***Context for this is here***
When the Toronto School Board (TDSB) first announced that admissions to specialized programs would be done through a new lottery system (as opposed to the old, application/marks/essay based framework), my first reaction was one of disgust.
And I think a lot of people would agree with 2022 me. I mean, just look at this photo from the Toronto Star of my brother protesting the changes. LOL
“This is a war on success,” I remember texting a fellow IB student when I saw news of the changes. “They’re going to bring down the prestige of these programs so much.”
But maybe, I’ve since realized, that’s not a bad thing.
Historically, the implicit goal of academically inclined specialized programs (the only ones I am familiar with) has been to get students into top universities. The Ivy Leagues are the golden snitch. Top tier Canadian schools must rest as the consolation prize. Anything else, not worth your time.
I think a conversation I had with a friend in one of these programs a few days ago nicely sums this situation up. “We used to send so many people to Harvard every year. With these changes? Not anymore.”
Here’s thing thing. The purpose of public education should not be to send people to Harvard.
Historically, admissions to these programs has been highly competitive. Many extracurricular schools offer dedicated classes to help students increase their chances of getting in. Tutoring, counseling, essay editing, you name it. For 13 year olds.
It’s no surprise then, that most students in these programs have been enrolled in these classes from an early age.
And good for them. Honestly. They’re learning new things.
But does that make them more worthy of admission into these specialized programs? What about all the other students who didn’t get in because they didn’t take grade ten math while they were still in grade eight, but, had they been given access to better resources, could do just as well? Those who genuinely want to learn, to excel, but just haven’t had the opportunity to do so?
Under the old model, it was an uphill battle for these students to get admitted. Their essays probably weren’t as polished as those who had a consultant look it over. Their entry exam marks probably weren’t as high as those who enrolled in four exam prep classes. Their interview answers probably weren’t as polished as those who spent hours rehearsing with a public speaking coach.
Where did they fit into the specialized programs? For the most part, they didn’t.
Maybe then, it’s alright if these programs are no longer as prestigious. Maybe we don’t need to be covering second year university level linear algebra in grade 11. But if we can expand access to these opportunities to beyond those who have been enrolled in extra classes since the dawn of time, then that is a worthy trade off.
The purpose of public education should be to help those who will benefit the most from said assistance, not to push those who are already at the top even higher.
I don’t think this is about a “war on success.” If anything, it’s about promoting it. I envision a world in which these programs, even if they’re no longer comparable to the top private schools, are still more rigorous, more challenging, and more thought provoking than the main academic stream. Only instead of defining success as “how good can we make these students,” it becomes “how much better can we make these students.”
Oh, and like 95% of my IB graduating class was Asian. That’s a problem.
I can already see you rolling your eyes - “but the students won’t be able to keep up!” “what about those who actually deserve it?” and on and on. Don’t worry. I have a couple words for the TDSB as well.
Three, to be exact.
“What the fuck?”
While your end goal is admirable, your implementation, let’s be real, is a disaster.
Currently, the specialized program system is designed around students who already excel going in. If you want to change the focus on realizing untapped potential, you have to invest in it. You need extra staff. More supports. Higher budgets. Teaching grade 12 math to grade 10s who have already learnt grade 12 math at some outside place can be done in a class size of 30. But to a group of grade 10s who’ve never had that opportunity? Well, it doesn’t work. Realizing potential takes resources.
A failure to invest in these programs (as is what the board is doing now) is quite literally killing them. You need to provide students in the program the resources they need to succeed. If you don’t, then either most people will drop out, or the quality of the program will fall so low that there isn’t a point in running it anymore.
Maybe that’s what they want. I’ve heard the theory that these changes are just a guise for the TDSB to ruin these programs, so they can justify cutting them later on. I guess if you view their motives this way, then their actions actually make a lot of sense.
Likewise, I’m not sure why a pure lottery was chosen above all other systems of admission. If you agree that the purpose of specialized programs is to develop potential/interest, well, you actually need to admit people with potential/interest. Having a zero barrier system means that you end up with a bunch of people in the program who don’t want to learn and inevitably don’t end up staying.
I remember watching the trustee meeting where this policy change was being debated. Trustees, and the three members of the public who were watching, were sold on a version of the plan that still had a baseline students had to meet in order to have their name entered into the lottery. Maybe a written statement about why they want to go to this program, or something along those lines.
But surprise, when it actually came time to be implemented, none of that. Just a random draw. Typical TDSB.
What is the optimal process then? To be honest, I’m not sure. Maybe a more holistic evaluation, that looks beyond grades or awards. That considers life experiences, motivations, and passions. Why do you want to be in this program? What do you think you’ll get out of it? In less wishy washy terms, an interview that prioritizes authenticity and student voice, as opposed to perfection or achievement. And yeah, setting this up requires resources. Shocker.
At the end of the day, what the TDSB is trying to do with these programs is respectable. Their approach though, leaves a lot to be desired.
One thing I will give them props for, is recognizing the need to expand the program offering pool. Over the next few years, they’re bringing in like 15 something new ones. That’s really important, and will mean that more students can access their benefits. Likewise, preserving a certain percentage of admissions spots for local students also helps to improve accessibility to these programs. So good job on that, I guess.
Look. I don’t want these programs to die. I think most people (save for some bureaucrats at the school board) would agree. What the TDSB has in terms of the scope and depth of specialized programs, is virtually unmatched in Canada. In short - they’re awesome.
I graduated from a TDSB specialized program mere months ago. It changed my life, and I loved every part of it. Teachers, friends, course content… it was all incredible.
I just wish more students could have the same experience.
your ability to articulate my exact thoughts 😭❤️ so so good
Yeah this change benefits nobody.